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We have plenty of experience caring for Rabbits, Hamsters, Birds and Guinea pigs!


We recommend protecting your rabbit against flystrike by using a flyguard spray prior to their visit especially between the months of April and November.


For the well being of  our bunny guests, it is vital that your rabbit is vaccinated against Myxomatosis and VHD.

Only rabbits with up to date vaccinations will be allowed to stay therefore could you please bring the vaccination card with you when you drop off your bunny. This does not apply to guinea pigs.


If your pet looks ill or has an injury then it might be advisable for them not to stay with us. If your pet is on any medication please call to discuss.

Your pet will not directly mix with another animals. This will prevent any infections.

If your pet shows sign of illness then we will take it to our local vet and contact you.

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